Group: Bioinformatics of Genomics Diversity

Our research is Population Genetics and Bioinformatics. The representation, analysis and interpretation of DNA variation and its relationship with phenotypic variation is the focus of his research (SNPs and QTLs). The most recent achievement has been the charting of the first detailed map of the footprint of natural selection throughout the genome and the quantification of the evolutionary cost of linkage in a genome. This is a independent research line of the GBEB Group, funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya (2014 SGR ...
Our research
The group of bioinformatics of genome diversity works on the representation, analysis and interpretation of genome variation and its relationship with phenotypic variation. A new dimension of the studies of genetic variation is provided by the abundance of complete genomes that are increasingly being deciphered, and the new throughput data coming from other Omics layers, such as Encode and modEncode projects or the Epigenomic consortium for humans and model organisms. We follow an interdisciplinary approach, merging methods and knowhow from genomics, population genetics, system biology and bioinformatics, to address the following objectives: (1) Integrate population genomics data with functional data to characterize the genomic determinants of nucleotide and protein evolution; (2) Develop new theoretical population genetics models to estimate the action of selection on genome variation; (3) Analyze adaptive evolution and conservation of developmental genes which are differentially expressed in time and space for Drosophila and humans
El grup de recerca de la Bioinformàtica de la Diversitat Genòmica treballa en la representació, anàlisis i interpretació de la variació nucleotídica i la seva relació amb variants genòmiques, fenotípiques i ambientals. Una nova dimensió a l'estudi de la variación genètica ve donada per la abundància de genomes complets que cada cop més es dexifren. Participen en un projecte internacional de genòmica poblacional on s'han seqüenciat 192 genomes d'una població natural de Drosophila melanogaster. No existeix una descripció detallada a escala física de la variació en el polimorfisme i la divergència en Drosophila, ni tampoc com aquesta variació es relaciona a les taxes de mutació, recombinació, densitat gènica, selecció natural i altres factors. Aquest estudi és el més complet de genòmica poblacional dur d'una espècie animal, i servirà de model per als estuids genòmics d'altres espècies, inclosa la humana.
- PopHumanScan: the online catalog of human genome adaptation.
Since the migrations that led humans to colonize Earth, our species has faced frequent adaptive challenges that have left signatures in the landscape of genetic variation and that we can ide...Since the migrations that led humans to colonize Earth, our ... - Mapping Selection within Drosophila melanogaster Embryo's Anatomy.
We present a survey of selection across Drosophila melanogaster embryonic anatomy. Our approach integrates genomic variation, spatial gene expression patterns, and development with the aim o...We present a survey of selection across Drosophila melanogas...
- PopHuman Scan:
- iMKT:
- PopHuman:
- PopFly:
- PopDrowser:
- MKT:
- PDA:
- MamPol: