David Torrents: Supercomputing and Comparative Genomics
Dr. David Torrents (PhD in Molecular Biology, University of Barcelona 2000, PhD extraordinary prize) is ICREA Research Professor and group leader in the Department of Life Sciences at the BSC. He moved from experimental research into bioinformatics and worked during six years in EMBL in Heidelberg into the Peer Bork’s group of bioinformatics where he actively participated and co-coordinated sections of the primary analysis of several eukaryotic genomes as part of the corresponding international sequencing consortia providing primary annotation of genes and pseudogenes as well as comparative protein analyses and events and evolution of gene duplication. All this provided Dr. Torrents with a broad background in biology, which covers both, the computational analysis and generation of large amounts of biological data and the capacity to understand and integrate experimental data into his research activity.
David Torrents