
Rius N, Guillén Y, Delprat A, Kapusta A, Feschotte C, Ruiz A
BMC genomics (Volume: 17)
2016 May 12
PubMed: 271649...  | PMC: PMC48621...  | DOI: 10.1186/... 

Participating groups

Drosophila Evolutionary Genetics



Many new Drosophila genomes have been sequenced in recent years using new-generation sequencing platforms and assembly methods. Transposable elements (TEs), being repetitive sequences, are often misassembled, especially in the genomes sequenced with short reads. Consequently, the mobile fraction of many of the new genomes has not been analyzed in detail or compared with that of other genomes sequenced with different methods, which could shed light into the understanding of genome and TE evolution. Here we compare the TE content of three genomes: D. buzzatii st-1, j-19, and D. mojavensis.

We have sequenced a new D. buzzatii genome (j-19) that complements the D. buzzatii reference genome (st-1) already published, and compared their TE contents with that of D. mojavensis. We found an u...